Thursday, August 05, 2010

I was at La Center yesterday for the arrival of the Traveling Wall... and a Marine was there to greet them.

Yesterday was another amazing day and I was honored to view the arrival of the Vietnam Traveling Memorial Wall.

As an "Era" vet, I was fortunate that when I enlisted, they weren't shipping 17 year olds. But we must never forget the sacrifices of the millions and their families who answered the call when it would have been much easier to simply turn the other way.

There are people devoted to keeping that sacrifice in our memory. In this video, we watch many of them arrive at the ongoing 4 day presentation of this amazing tribute to the courageous men and women who gave that last full measure in the belief that their country was worth it.

Thanks go to the city of La Center and those who worked so hard to make this a reality. I will be going out there later today, and I'll be taking some more pictures.

Please... if you can find the time... please go out there.

Take 5 minutes and watch. It's worth it.


  1. Semper Fi, Marine.

  2. Now there is a Marine I would vote for.

    Seeing their fearlessness to stand out like that. It leaves me speechless.

  3. That we have such men and women in this country today will be the savoir of this nation.

  4. David Standal9:59 AM

    Hey Trouble... thanks for YOUR service... then and now. Saw you last night, didn't get a chance to say hello. An observation... hanging with those guys is an honor that leaves me speechless. They are ready, again, to fight for our nation. Armed and ready! Thank God!


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