Friday, July 02, 2010

When the President is a lying S.O.B.

The New York Post is reporting that the Liar-in-Chief stated the following during his whining, sniveling, vacuous bitchfest early yesterday::
President Barack Obama said Thursday that being American “is not a matter of blood or birth,” but said that “no matter how decent” the 11 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. are, they should be held accountable for breaking the law.

God save us from moronic blithering idiots such as this.

Being American is PRECISELY a matter of "blood and birth." Yes, we have an administrative way to become American citizens that you want to give to 12 million illegal aliens in the hopes they will either vote for your dumb ass or the dumb asses who share your warped view. But for the rest of us, we either wait in line and follow the law, or, in fact, we're born here, as I was; or blood, as my son was born in Germany while I was a serving Army officer... making him no less an American than I.

But at the end of the day, Mr. President, this "world citizen" crap you're stuck on, where borders are mere suggestions to fringe leftists such as yourself has as a direct result the very law you assail, a law that is a direct result of YOUR intransigence and YOUR decision to allow the drug cartels to slaughter US. Your deliberate, politically motivated decision to allow what amounts to open borders is inexcusable and stands as a direct violation of your oath.

You have, once again,. managed to make me ashamed of my government. You sir, are a despicable President and human being.


  1. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Obama is a pathalogigal liar, and suffers from several acute mental disabilities. This Person, not man, because he is not a man, should be removed from office. In a word I would describe him as a cockroach, an intellectial nitwit, not even worthy of being call a politician and certainly no where near the caliber of person who should be President of these United States.

  2. Although I have heard on many occasions that the President is a narcissist...a conclusion that may or may not be true, I do wonder if he has a drinking problem. It seems as though I have seen him with a beer in his hand many more times than previous presidents have been seen with alcohol. His suggestion to the police officer and the university professor to come over and "have a beer" also seemed a little strange to me, although at the time I thought perhaps the president might have been trying to make them comfortable. However with the last situation at the G20 in Canada where he was shown talking about different kinds of beers with one of the other leaders, it just seems like there is way too much emphasis on beer. It's clear that Joe Biden has problems with alcohol, but some of the odd behavior and communication errs could be shared by the President as well. Just some thoughts....


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