Friday, July 23, 2010

What are the impacts of the Times ignoring Herrera?

Up until now, the Establishment has been attempting to provide Ridgefield Barbie with an aura of invincibility.

Until now. With the Seattle Times passing her by; suddenly, things are different.

Suddenly, the fact that the Empress has no clothes is on display for all to see. The "inevitability" quotient has dropped to zero.

Marketing the empty suit like an empty cardboard box ain't gonna cut it. Speaking in generalities because you're too ignorant to intelligently address the issues might work when the fix is in like it was when she got the appointment.

But now?

Not so much.

A record of caving into democrats for massive spending in the House and co-sponsoring SEIU legislation and then lying about it is not the record people want when it comes to representation in Congress.

And now, we watch as the wheels come off and the string begins to unravel.

Cross posted at Jaime Herrera Watch.

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