Monday, July 05, 2010

So, members of the local party (Those in the Herrera Herd) are a little bit upset with me.

For the last few days, there's been a little kerfuffle going on in local party circles because someone in party leadership followed orders and distributed a remark of mine from both this blog and Clark County Politics that says the following:

"The despicable political cartoon that is Jaime Herrera will not mysteriously cease being the waste of skin she is. Concepts of honor and truth will remain as foreign to her if she wins as they are now.

For purposes of context, the body of the post in question is provided here:

Recently, I was asked: If Herrera wins the primary, are you going to let up on her?"

Not only no, but hell no.

Folks, I believe there is a place for partisan politics. But as individuals, we must find the line between blind obedience to a party line and the suspension of common sense.
Party allegiance isn't a death warrant. At the end of the day, if Ridgefield Barbie and her keepers manage to fool enough people into voting her in, either through to the general or, God forbid, into Congress, what exactly does that change?

Will she somehow magically become honorable? Will someone install a knowledge chip that will give her a clue about any of the major issues confronting us? Will she suddenly stop lying to us, exaggerating her background, her knowledge and suitability to actually be IN Congress? Will she suddenly cease her betrayal of Republican principles like she did while in the legislature, becoming a Guardian of the SEIU and while spending our money like a drunken sailor to help her leftist buddies? Can we be sure that she'll betray us again, representing Cathy McMorris Rogers, who built her from the ground up, instead of us?

Will the mentality that allowed her to leave the floor of the House for hours at a time to fund raise; which allowed her to ditch us during session for yet another McMorris trough session in DC suddenly return to the level where her FIRST duty becomes us... instead of her?


The despicable political cartoon that is Jaime Herrera will not mysteriously cease being the waste of skin she is. Concepts of honor and truth will remain as foreign to her if she wins as they are now.

There are no circumstances where I will not do all I legally can to keep her from winning any election.

Period. Ever.

For those wondering, I hope I've made my position clear.

Cross posted at Clark County Politics.
The person who sent this out is a died-in-the-wool Herrera kool aid drinker, who at least partially blames this type of writing on their decision to help sell us out to this empty suit.

This person then goes on to write:

I was leaning toward David at one time, but this type of thing really soured me. I think David could put a stop to this today if he wanted to. If this isn't reason enough to support Jaime, I don't know what is. It is disgusting.
What that person failed to say is that they are now, and had been literally for months before this was written, a full-blown Herrera supporter; as they were when they sent out this sniveling email behind my back. Excusing their version of political treason as a reason to support a candidate based on what someone ELSE writes without that candidate's knowledge, approval or input goes a long way to explain why that email was sent in the first place and behind my back in the second place.

And if that's not a reason to dump the local GOP organization, I don't know what is.

Cross posted on Jaime Herrera Watch.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Lew, CCP, you might want to check with the local pravda.

    They are always looking for another axe to grind.


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