Saturday, July 03, 2010

(Redux) In keeping with my policy of correcting errors, the following correction is made regarding Martin Hash in the 17th District.

I have on more then one occasion, pointed out where democrat Martin Hash, self-funding candidate for the 17th District seat in a primary election against democrat Monica Stonier and Republican Paul Harris had apparently violated PDC rules by failing to report how much money he was using (whether his or someone else's, it must be reported) while failing to report how much he has spent and for what, another requirement by the PDC.

According to a blog post in the paper,Hash has elected to file short form, or limit the amount of money he is spending to less than $5000 for his entire campaign.

Those filing short form are not required to file either donation or expenditure records. Clark County Politics regrets the error.


  1. Thank you for making the correction.

    Martin Hash

  2. Absolutely. And good luck to you!


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