Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Jon, didn't I learn you better'n that that? Russell starts his OWN blog and the lies keep coming!

Unlike Russell, who lacks the guts to link to this blog, I freely and actively will link to his:

It's called Fact Checking The Web.

Now, how do I know it's Russell's? That's easy:

So far, it's possessed of a single post. In preparation of destroying it, I offer it here, unabridged and unedited.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Is it true that Jon's business advertises that his wife is a Doctor instead of a Family Nurse Practitioner?

In reference to Clark County Politics authored by Kelly Hinton: Is it true that Jon advertises his wife as a Doctor instead of a Family Nurse Practitioner?

The Vancouver Business Journal published a story on the Federal Healthcare legislation recently adopted into law; In the article the Vancouver Business Journal referred to Sarah Russell as a Doctor. When this was brought to Jon's attention in the blogosphere he asked them to change the on-line version to reflect Sarah's official title.

An accusation was made by the same blog that Jon was advertising that Sarah was a Doctor. The fact is that Jon's medical clinic does not spend money on advertising. The posting found in the Camas/Post Record wrongfully refers to Sarah as a Doctor is their on-line directory.

It is clearly stated on the door of their medical clinic that Sarah Russell is a Family Nurse Practitioner. Jon is proud of this fact, because his business model is built on Independent Family Nurse Practitioners delivering quality care at a lower price.

Odd, isn't it? I have no problem linking to his blog or even the specific post in question... yet he can't seem to even name the blog that's beating his non-existent credibility to a pulp.

Any hoo.... let's address these issues, shall we?

Faux question one:
In reference to Clark County Politics authored by Kelly Hinton: Is it true that Jon advertises his wife as a Doctor instead of a Family Nurse Practitioner?
Russell responds to his own, carefully worded answer:
The Vancouver Business Journal published a story on the Federal Healthcare legislation recently adopted into law; In the article the Vancouver Business Journal referred to Sarah Russell as a Doctor. When this was brought to Jon's attention in the blogosphere he asked them to change the on-line version to reflect Sarah's official title.
Which, of course, merely acknowledges what I've said all along.

The reason this defies believability is simple:

I have heard, from his own mouth, Jon Russell describe his wife as a "physician." That particular lie was delivered to 18th District PCO's on May 22.

Further, how likely is it that the Vancouver Business Journal would publish an article... and this narcissistic serial liar wouldn't read it? And, having read the article in question, did the fact that the VBJ refered to his wife as a doctor just completely escape his attention? Why didn't he have it changed immediately when he read it?

Why, indeed.

And Jon's cowardice? That's further confirmed by Russell failing to mention that the "blogosphere" that brought it to his attention was me.

You see, parsing isn't Russell's particular field of expertise. That Jon has yet to address lying to the PCO's? Well, that's another kettle of fish altogether. Jon goes on to whine:
An accusation was made by the same blog that Jon was advertising that Sarah was a Doctor. The fact is that Jon's medical clinic does not spend money on advertising. The posting found in the Camas/Post Record wrongfully refers to Sarah as a Doctor is their on-line directory.
Jon HAS been "advertising" his wife as a doctor, if to no other extent that HE is telling everyone she IS a doctor.

That said, how likely is it that the Camas Post Record's "on-line directory" went up in a bubble and Russell neither knew about it... or OK'ed it in advance? Regardless of whether or not he paid for the listing, is it even remotely likely that he was unaware of it? And regardless of the logistics of the posting, isn't it Sarah Russell's responsibility to make sure it's accurate?

And let's take a look at the title of Russell's post:
Is it true that Jon's business advertises that his wife is a Doctor instead of a Family Nurse Practitioner?


Jon can't even get THAT right.

So, there you have it. Russell lies about having a degree. He lies about his wife being a doctor. He lies in an interview. He leaves Washougal city government a debacle. he cavalierly violates PDC law. He parses, badly, what he means to say. He obviously believes transparency is an arcane concept that doesn't apply to him. And he is unfit to hold public office.

Jon. You should have listened.

Cross posted to Jon Russell Watch.


  1. Maybe Jon can explain just where the Vancouver Business Journal and the Camas Post-Record got the notion that she was a Doctor.

    I find it strange that both would make the same mistake nearly at the same time.

    To me, being an advanced Registered Nurse practitioner alone is something to be proud of, without the need to embellish.

    I have more sympathy for Sarah in this than I do Jon.

  2. All I can say is that any advertising that is done on my behalf by Yellow Pages, Business Journals or anywhere else ALWAYS sends me a proof that I have to approve before they will run the ad. However, those are paid ads. There are strange little on-line businesses that grab your information and then send you notifications of what they have posted, but that doesn't happen very often. Even at that, you still have the opportunity to change errors if they are there. And, you are right...the responsibility does lie on Sarah's shoulders. Anyone who is state licensed is not allowed to portray themselves as anything other than what they are licensed for. If I allowed myself to be portrayed as a Doctor, I would not only have the State Medical board after me, but I could be held highly accountable by my own licensing board. She needs to stop this asap for her own sake and that of her patients.

  3. David Standal10:29 PM

    Great letter to the editor in The Reflector, Mr. just a guy. Hey Jon... I know you troll this site...You're done.

  4. You know me, Dave. I exist to serve.


If I cannot identify you, then your post will be deleted.

No threats (Death or otherwise) allowed towards me or anyone else. If you have allegations of misconduct, they must be verifiable before I will publish them in comments.
