Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I almost had a stroke this morning: the leftist Columbian comes out AGAINST the library levy?

I almost vapor locked. The critical phrase here is this:
But the shroud of the Great Recession leads The Columbian — for the first time
in memory — to editorially oppose a local ballot measure.

How impossibly out of touch this rag is to actually have to write something like this.

What this means is that this paper has approved... of EVERY TAX BALLOT MEASURE THEY CAN REMEMBER.

How sad and pathetic is that?

No critical review: you roll in and want the money, be it a tax increase or a continuation of a tax?

The Columbian will become your PR arm.

Actually, "out of touch" doesn't begin to describe it. And the people running this rag don't even realize it.

But then, that explains how they could possibly support this scummy waste of billions of dollars called the bridge replacement/loot rail plan.

Hell, if these idjits will roll over for every bond and levy, is it any wonder they've stupidly drank the kool aid on the massive, unneeded and unwanted bridge replacement?

You know, the one that Tim "The Liar" Leavitt not only lied about to get elected, but has now become a rabid tolling fan of sticking it to the 65,000 commuters AND ANYONE WHO GOES WITHIN 5 MILES of that crap pile to build?

Good for the rag to finally say "no." Shame on them for not doing it frequently before now.

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