Thursday, July 08, 2010

Giving credit where due: Obama picks a winner as CENTCOM Commander: Marine General Jim Mattis

Regular readers know that I have real, genuine heartburn with Obama and how he's been running the show in Afghanistan. The McCrystal debacle is just one example of problematic, morale-killing leadership (No, Mr. President, a withdrawal date makes no sense to anyone but the Taliban) but I have to give credit where it's due.

First, Obama taps General Petraeus to take over Afghanistan. Then, he replaces Petraeus with Marine General Jim Matthis, a product of our state and a graduate of Central Washington among others.

Best known for utilizing sayings like:
Be polite. Be professional. But have a plan to kill everyone you meet;

I come in peace. I didn’t bring artillery. But I’m begging you, with tears in my eyes, if you f*&^ with me, I will kill you all; and

No Better Friend, No Worse Enemy.

There's a lot more to generalship than sayings, of course, but this guy is seemingly universally well thought of at the end user level.

My off the cuff is these are two good choices.

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