Thursday, July 29, 2010

Do I detect a trend? The Longview Daily News endorses Heck... and Castillo!

In yet ANOTHER stunning blow against the Card Board cutout from Ridgefield, the Longview Daily News gives Castillo a 1.000 batting average by becoming the third out of three daily papers in the area to endorse David Castillo!

The Daily News joins with the Columbian and the Seattle Times in pointing out that Castillo should make it through to the general election. Castillo is the only candidate endorsed by all three daily newspapers. Heck has been endorsed twice, and the clueless one has been endorsed once by the Columbian for reasons that defy description.

Clearly, a pattern is emerging: David Castillo is undeniably the best Republican... who also happens to have more endorsements then any of his competitors, even for a top two primary.

Previously the Establishment Queen of Inevitability, Babs has been reduced to Court Jester in a field where at least two candidates overwhelm the field in background, education and experience.

Here's how The Daily News Put it:

Advance Heck, Castillo in 3rd District race

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July 29 Daily News editorial

Color the 3rd Congressional District purple. District voters backed George W.
Bush in the 2000 and 2004 presidential races and Barack Obama in 2008. Republican Linda Smith represented the district from 1995 until she stepped down
at the end of her second term. Democrat Brian Baird claimed the open seat after
advancing from the primary to defeat Republican Don Benton in November 1998.

The 3rd District seat is again open. Baird announced last December that six terms were enough, setting off a stampede of hopefuls and instantly grabbing the attention of national Democratic and Republican party officials.

There are six candidates vying for this hotly contested swing-district seat on the Aug. 17 primary ballot — three Republicans, two Democrats and one Independent. Based on fundraising, name identification and endorsements, Democrat Denny Heck of Olympia, and Republicans David Castillo of Olympia and Jaime Herrera of Camas are the clear frontrunners.

The Daily News editorial board recommends that voters advance Denny Heck and David Castillo to the November general election. Heck and Castillo impressed us as the most capable candidates in this crowded field, and they would offer voters in a district that trends both red and blue an excellent choice come November. Both hold fast to the principles of their respective parties, but they have the maturity and experience required to understand the practical value of moderation and cooperation.

Heck has been successful in both the public and private sectors. He entered the public sector at an early age, winning election to the state House of Representatives at 24. Heck represented Clark County's 17th District for 10 years, rising to House majority leader. He later served as Gov. Booth Gardner's chief of staff. After leaving politics, Heck co-founded TVW, a statewide public affairs television network similar to C-SPAN. He's also helped start up several successful businesses, including the digital entertainment company RealNetworks and a business that provides electronic medical records to health care providers.

Castillo, who declared his candidacy for the 3rd District seat well before Baird announced that he wouldn't stand for re-election, also has worked in both the public and private sectors. Following service in the Navy and earning a bachelor's degree at the University of Washington and master's from Gonzaga University, Castillo went to work in George W. Bush's administration, where he served as deputy assistant secretary in the Department of Veterans Affairs. He later worked in the Administration's Office of Operations Coordination, helping to organize the Department of Homeland Security. In Washington state, Heck has served as chief of staff for the House Republican Caucus. Castillo currently works in the private sector as a financial advisor for Edward Jones.

Both Heck and Castillo recognize job creation and economic growth as the district's top priorities. And they — more than any of the other candidates in this race — appear to possess the knowledge, skills and temperament needed to help advance those priorities.

So... what does these papers see in Castillo that they don't see in the Empty Suit from Ridgefield? Perhaps what they see is... well... the Empty Suit from Ridgefield has, well, an empty suit.

Well done to David.

Cross posted at Jaime Herrera Watch.

1 comment:

  1. Well now, Castillo 3, Heck 2, Herrera 1, Hedrick NOTHING!!!!!!

    You should have been at the "debate" last evening. Hedrick engaged in coeardly atatcks, by name, on Castillo and Heck who weren't even there.

    Some bold alleged Marine.


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