Wednesday, July 07, 2010

18th District wrap up.

Of all the candidates in the 18th District, only one actually filed this week.

Neither Dennis Kampe, Brandon Vick, Anthony Bittner (who hasn't filed a C-3 form since late April... not illegal, but a sign of zero fund raising) nor the educationally and integrity-challenged Jon Russell filed C-3's this week.

It is, of course, perfectly legal to not file C-3's when you haven't raised any money over the preceeding week. But lacking the ability or reason to file?

That's not so good.

Ann Rivers, on the other hand, filed for $1300 for the week.

Russell, of course, has been and continues to be in violation of PDC laws since he announced as a state representative candidate, failing to file electronically; using state representative funds to pay congressional campaign debt (I'm looking into an FEC complaint over that one) and various other violations.

I won't be filing a complaint against Russell this week because he hasn't filed this week.

But until he gets himself into compliance with the law of this state (Kinda bizarre, ain't it? A state representative candidate who has deliberately violated the law for months?) EVERY time he files a manual report I'm going to nail him with ANOTHER complaint.

Yes.... it's been a bleak week for most in the 18.

I believe it's going to get bleaker.


  1. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Why was Anthony Bittner's Voters Statement was not included in the Clark County Voters Pamphlet.

  2. Typically, it's because the candidate's campaign missed the deadline for submission. They're very strict about that sort of thing; to be included, you've got to get your picture and statement in by a certain cut off. No wiggle room is typically allowed.

  3. Anonymous6:16 PM

    What if I the Bittner campaign sent the picture and statement in to Greg Kimseys office before the deadline; and was not published out of fear of a 3-way partisan split vote by the Clark County Republicans. What if?

  4. OK, I'll byte.... what if?

    Who is "What if I the Bittner Campaign," anyway?

    Let's take this a step further.

    Right now, there ARE 3 GOP candidates. So, it couldn't be because of concern over a 3 way split, right? Because we've at least got that, anyway.

    Frankly, I've known Greg Kimsey longer than Bittner has been alive. Greg would not risk his job over this kind of thing.

    However, if any proof of such a thing is available, I would be happy to post it.


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No threats (Death or otherwise) allowed towards me or anyone else. If you have allegations of misconduct, they must be verifiable before I will publish them in comments.
