Thursday, July 01, 2010

17th District Wrap up.

Peck – Probst

Peck has raised $150 for the entire month of June. Numbers like that make me believe he’s done. Ran out of gas, maybe? (Inside joke. He owns a gas station.)

Peck is at $28,538

Probst is at $60,349


Harris started off fast with a $9300 or so kick off on 27 April. Since then, however, he’s only raised $1030 in 2 months. He’s lent himself the max of $9400… put up some really good signs… and little else.

Hash seems to have put up some signs and done nothing else, including file any paperwork.

Stonier is working it, but at the end of the day, Harris is still in this thing because Stonier is Jim Moeller in the wrong district.

Harris and Stonier have about the same cash on hand, but Harris must do what he’s never done before; namely, follow through to win this.

I still give this race a GOP lean, though… Hash is out in the primary, most likely. But when you’ve got the unlimited checkbook of a Hash… you can’t know for sure. Stonier is to the left of Lenin, not a good fit for the 17. And the GOP is angry… and when they’re angry… they vote.

Harris is at $19,875

Hash? Who knows? He hasn’t filed a thing and as far as I know, no one has filed a PDC complaint against him.

Stonier is at $25,091

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