Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Woodland's city council allowed illegal aliens to carry the day.

I was at the debacle of the Resolution 588 last night, where the resolution supporting law and order lost to those who would advocate complete lawlessness in violation of their oaths.

Two of the more ignorant council members, Al Swindell (Who had his bogus democrat talking points down pat) and Marilee McCall made frequently untrue and outrageous claims concerning the Arizona law, HB 1070, the controversial and completely Constitutional law recently adopted by the State of Arizona.

I went there to observe, hopping that at least the council members would be informed, and that they would uphold their oaths of office. Clearly, they did not.

Those advocating the violation of our laws made observations concerning the impacts of this resolution supporting HB 1070 that were bald-faced lies. That the cowards on the council (Burke, Swindell, McCall, Mattson (who didn't bother to show up) and the mayor (Blum) who cast the subsequent tie-breaking vote to oppose supporting the law allowed the illegal aliens and their lobby to carry the day will put the city of Woodland at risk for bankruptcy as they bleed money for services and jailing the increasingly larger and now welcomed illegal alien population.

Not one of the illegal alien lobby advocated the enforcement of the laws of the country they were so cavalierly violating. Not one of those supporting the enforcement of our laws could put that aspect of our country aside.

From the opponents, I heard deliberate lies and ignorance as to both what the Arizona law contains and what it's impacts would be. From those voting "no" on this resolution, I heard the same.

The City Council of Woodland had the opportunity to go down in history as a courageous, far-seeing group whop wanted to put an end to this massive insult to the laws of this country.

It was an utterly shameful display. And the people of Woodland should do something about it.

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