Tuesday, June 01, 2010

What if we had simply ignored the Westboro idiots?

HUGE PR by the morons from Westboro.

Pictures, news, sound bites, counter demonstrations, hundreds of people involved...

what if we had just ignored them?

I simply do not get it. WHY are we paying attention to them? WHY?

Everyone has an emotional reaction to their stupidity. I get that. But what they crave... what they demand... what strengthens them is the very thing we so stupidly gave them: attention.

What if they had showed up around Heritage and jumped up and down like baboons and no one paid them any attention at all? What then?

Ignoring them doesn't mean you have to agree with them. I don't. Their positions are painful to consider and offensive to the ear. So why do we HAVE to pay attention to them, giving them precisely and absolutely everything they wanted?

Imagine the outcome if they had just stood across the street in the rain and no one paid them the least attention?

Because we gave them precisely what they wanted, they're likely to come back. And they're counting on this continuing response on our part.

Well done.

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