Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Update on Jon Russell's lies about his wife's profession and revisionist history.

As I pointed out yesterday, Jon Russell has been lying about his wife's profession since he hit the campaign trail for Congress.

He has repeatedly referred to her as a "physician," and even now calls her a "family nurse practitioner" when, in fact, she's an "advanced Registered Nurse practitioner" (according to the state) and in the article mentioned below, Russell referred to her as a doctor.

Here's the screen capture of the article yesterday:

The paragraph in the screen capture above in the lower right corner says:

“Though Jon Russell isn’t a medical practitioner, as co-owner of Columbia Gorge Medical Center in Washougal with his wife, Dr. Sarah Russell, he claims to have a novel approach to healthcare.”

He also seems to have a novel approach to lying.

Now, to protect himself, or at least try to protect himself, I anticipated that Russell would set about to get this lie changed. That, of course, is why I did a screen capture that provides undeniable proof that Russell has been lying about his wife for reasons only he can explain to you. That's also why I didn't use the screen capture yesterday in the original post, because I knew he would set about to get the article changed because I forced him to tell the truth.

So, here's the screen capture of that same article today:

Revisionist history at it's finest.

The offending article now says:

“Though Jon Russell isn’t a medical practitioner, as co-owner of Columbia Gorge Medical Center in Washougal with his wife, family nurse practitioner Sarah Russell, he claims to have a novel approach to healthcare.”

Odd, isn't it?

Yesterday, his wife was a doctor. Today, she's presented as a family nurse practitioner. The state, however, says she's an advanced registered nurse practitioner.

At this point, maybe the problem is that Russell has no idea WHAT his wife does. But one thing is certain: she's not a doctor.... even though in the interview, Russell clearly indicated she was.

Now, I appreciate the fact that Russell reads my blog, and that in his panicked state, immediately set about to change the story he SHOULD have changed over 2 months ago. Can anyone not believe that Russell lied deliberately, and only had the story changed to be a little more truthful (he's still lying about what his wife is) only as a result of this blog and Russell Watch?

Why, if it weren't for anticipating this completely predictable thug's actions, I wouldn't be able to prove that he was lying... would I?

In fact, I anticipated he would do that, which is why I did a screen capture in the first place, because except for lying, Russell has proven himself to be very big on revisionist history.

But the fact is that a picture really DOES tell a thousands words, although this picture really boils down to just a few:

Jon Russell is an out and out liar.

And is that who we want to send to Olympia?

Thanks for the anonymous tip that pointed this out on the first post.

Cross posted to Jon Russell Watch.

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