Friday, June 25, 2010

To be a democrat is to be delusional: Kaine says "We're not on the defensive."

I'm sure by now that most people have seen that YouTube scene of Hitler and his staff in the Bunker a few hours before the end. He's being briefed on the military situation, and he depends on relief by Waffen SS General Steiner's non-existent army. It's a scene that's been parodied a thousand times, with subtexts put across the screen to make Hitler and the others seem to be talking about everything from WSU beating the Huskies in football to Swine Flu to any number of other situations like that. Here's the Swine Flu example:

The moment I saw the headline on the bizarre story "'We're not on the defensive,' Democrat's leader Kaine says," I was instantly transported to YouTube and those pages re-running the bunker scene.

Clearly, Kaine shares the delusion of Adolf Hitler.

(No, I am not comparing Kaine or any other democrat to Hitler. That was the leftist game when they made an industry out of comparing Bush to Hitler... as the 12.4 million hits on Google in response to the search term "Bush Hitler" will return, with 1.09 million image hits)

But for ANYONE to claim the democrats are not on the defensive is to be sunk in the depths of delusion that only a Hitler-like character could possibly believe.

I GET that you have to be delusional to be a leftist. But the only question that is going to matter in November is this: Are you better off now then you were 10, 8, 6, 4 or 2 years ago?

I saw a talking head on TV the other day who explained it like this:
"You know, when Obama got up this morning and looked in the mirror, I'm sure he was struck by the thought that just about everything that COULD go wrong, WAS going wrong... and it was going wrong on HIS watch."
Memo to Tim: Every thing, at every level, is going wrong. Economy, employment, war, the Gulf, debt, worthless currency, massive increase in government payrolls.... all on you.

And YOU people are in charge.

And then YOU say you're "not on the defensive?" Seriously? Really?

How much does it suck that only soccer can get Americans to feel this way about their country... thanks to people like you? (BIG H/T to In.sur.rec.tion)

When election night, 2010 is over, you folks will be praying (sorry, bad euphemism, since many of you are atheists) that the slaughter is only as bad as 1994.

And as I recall, 1994 was a massacre... an epic nightmare to your side of these issues.

Promise after promise made; promise after promise..... broken. An incompetent, clueless moron elected president who has buried us in a mountain of trillions in debt; who has expanded the size of government geometrically, who has no clue or interest in foreign policy, who has bent over for the Russians and the Chinese every hour on the hour; who has no clue about Afghanistan, Iraq or terrorist who would slit his throat a dozen times before breakfast without giving it a second thought.

A state budget where the money junkies of the left have jacked up our taxes in the midst of a recession, blowing the budget up like a balloon instead of making the tough calls like cutting state employees both in numbers and in pay across the board, forcing the people to bear the burden of a bloated government.... and they've done it with a smile... while self-delusional types like Kaine do nothing to stop it, claiming they're "not on the defensive."

Belief in a party or it's goals should not replace common sense like it has in the White House and in Olympia. Striving to maintain the illusion that you people are not going to be crushed here in a few months will do nothing to solve your riddle.

Politically, it makes sense for us to hope that you political idiots keep doing what you're doing.

The problem is that you're getting us killed. The problem is that you're burying us further and further in debt with every lie, like Obamacare. The problem is that the Gulf is getting worse and worse every day while your disinterested president has his weekly White House parties on our tab and doesn't miss his golf game... the same golf your sort crucified Bush for playing.... because, well, after all, to be a democrat is at base, to be a hypocrite.

So, for me, I would rather have a successful and healthy country, unlike the sickly crone you clowns have created, than political success.

And that, unfortunately, seems to be the exact opposite of what you people want... which is political success at all costs.... no matter how many die, or how many generations you enslave for your short sighted debt.

Maybe you should also ask them what their last name (Reid, as in son of Harry Reid) and party (democrat) are because this guy doesn't mention either. (Democrat Rory Reid's latest governor ad on YouTube.

"Not on the defensive?"


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