Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Tim "The Liar" Leavitt wants to turn the mayor's job into a full time gig.

So, the local cancer is reporting that Tim "The Liar" Leavitt wants to bury his entire head into the taxpayer trough and make the mayor's job a full-time gig.

The Liar, who was elected by lying to everyone alive about his bridge toll position, must be looking at a layoff or something.

So, here's my input on making Leavitt's job full time:

Not only no, but hell no.

Even if such a plan were hatched, scum like The Liar shouldn't benefit from it. He's doing enough damage to Clark County as it is. Getting him a full time gig, which is just the first step towards a massive staff increase and the like to go with it, would add yet another horrific cost increase to the taxpayer's dime, and Vancouver would see absolutely no benefit.

Snivel Number One:
And Leavitt, 39, a senior civil engineer with PBS Engineering + Environmental,
said he’s now doing what amounts to two full-time jobs.

What did you expect? Now, stop sniveling and DO YOUR JOB.
Snivel Number Two: The mayor said a change may be necessary if the city wants to
attract young working candidates to the position, a point Smith also brought up.

It unfortunately attracted YOU, didn't it?

Here's a clue, Timmy: if the gig you've got doesn't pay enough, feel free to resign.

I hate liars in office. Fake Republicans, supported by sleazeball democrats like Steve "Easy Money" Stuart and that ilk, beneficiaries of laundered money from David Barnett of the Cowlitz Mafia... feel free to take your slimy ass out of office if you can't stand the heat (or the pay) for the office you so unfortunately hold now.

There. Is THAT "input" enough for you?

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