Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I'm stunned: Under Oath, Union Official Says Obama Lied About Blago Contacts

Well, here's the appeal set up. Failing to allow Blago to call Obama now will get any conviction overturned.

Thanks to Doug Ross # Journal for this tidbit.

Gee, What a Surprise: Under Oath, Union Official Says Obama Lied About Blago Contacts

Sitting down? I don't want to catch you off guard, but a powerful Democrat union boss said that President-elect lied about not having contact with disgraced Governor Rod Blagojevich about his vacated Senate seat.

Top union leader Thomas Balanoff said he was at dinner the night before the November Presidential election when he got a call that was blocked... So he didn't take it.

Later he listened to his messages: "I walked outside, listened to it and it was from President Obama," Balanoff said.

"Tom, this is Barack, give me a call," the soon-to-be President-Elect said on the message... After Balanoff sent word through an Obama aide to call him back, Obama returned his call later that night.

"Tom, I want to talk to you with regard to the Senate seat," Obama told him... Balanoff said Obama said he had two criteria: someone who was good for the citizens of Illinois and could be elected in 2010.

This brings to mind a little number I put up back in December of 08:

Thursday, December 11, 2008
MORE: Obama denies it, but the evidence is mounting: He DID discuss his replacement with Blagojevich
As reported on Little Green Footballs yesterday, evidence is mounting that President-Elect Obama lied when he in declared that he had not discussed his replacement with Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich.

Yesterday, the reference was to a TV station (KHQA) that had pulled two articles concerning these meeting(s) after Obama's denials.

Today, the issue is a Chicago Tribune article dated October 30 that references a meeting between Obama... and Gov. Rod Blagojevich.... concerning the very thing that Obama has denied: a meeting with Blagojevich concerning Obama's successor.

Hat tip to directorblue via Little Green Footballs.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

RED ALERT: Chicago Tribune article referenced Obama-Blago discussions on Senate Seat!

David Axelrod, KHQA and now the venerable Chicago Tribune all independently reported that Governor Blagojevich and Barack Obama held discussions regarding his Senate replacement. For those keeping score at home, this makes four different sources (KHQA had two articles on the topic) referencing one or more meetings, which Barack Obama said never took place. Who would you believe: me or your lying eyes?


All this crap just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside about our President.

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