Friday, June 04, 2010

Crisis in confidence: In the face of a sudden, horrific attack or disaster... what will Obama do?

One of the reasons why I despise the President is I have absolutely no confidence in his leadership. None.

With, perhaps, the "tinnest" ear I have seen in the Presidency since the late, unlamented Carter Administration, Obama had already proven himself incapable of responsive leadership. Since the BP oil spill started, our president has proven himself incapable of decisive, rapid action to stem the tide of disaster his inaction has caused.

While has had time to play golf, hold White House parties, and engage in numerous photo ops with college athletes, he's had no time to take command over the increasingly obvious lack of progress on this issue.

He has been, figuratively if not literally, hit over the head by polling suggesting that his numbers are heading south of Warren Harding in unpopularity. He is dragging his own political party down faster then ACORN can write checks to pimps for underage prostitution.

His handling of the Gulf situation has been horrific on every level.

So... what will we do if one of these islamic terrorists manages to pop the proverbial suitcase nuke in a major US city?

What if we wake up one morning and, instead of the loss of 3000, we suffer the loss of 3,000,000?

Then what?

Does anyone have any confidence in the president's ability to handle THAT?

I don't.

Is our government prepared to address the unthinkable?

Why do I doubt that?

Confidence, Mr. President. We don't have any in you.

1 comment:

  1. The worse the crisis or disaster is, the louder they blame Bush.


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