Friday, June 11, 2010

Chris Boyd withdraws from WA03; endorses David Castillo.

Given Herrera's efforts through surrogates to keep Chris Boyd in the race to draw votes from Castillo, it comes as something of a blow to their camp that Chris ignored their efforts and withdrew today while on the Victoria Taft show (KPAM 860) as he endorsed David Castillo for Congress.

Boyd, a disabled combat veteran made a very tough call while ignoring the efforts of some in the Herrera camp to keep him in... efforts that included an offer to pay his filing fee.

Lew Waters has an excellent write up on this young man, who rose to the occasion once again in service to his country.

We will remember this selfless act.

Crossposted on Jaime Herrera Watch.


  1. Chris made a difficult decision, but the right one, I feel. He realizes that Castillo is our best bet and his remaining in would only draw votes from Castillo, giving the nomination to Herrera and then to the Democrats.

    He is already discussing running for a state office in 2012 and when he does, I will back him completely.

    I can honestly state he was my second choice behind Castillo.

  2. Anonymous8:04 PM

    I like Chris a lot, and I'm glad to see him stand up and support the best candidate in the race. David Castillo is hands down our best choice to replace Brian Baird. I'm looking forward to seeing what Chris does in the future; I hope he continues in politics. We need more people like him.


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