Sunday, June 27, 2010

Another example of why it's wrong to confuse The Columbian with "journalism."

In what must be their fourth story of the issue, the idiots at the bridger/looter Pravda Columbian paper have, once again, whined and snivel about the moronic "what is and what isn't" candy tax.

They've done it before, and they'll most like do it again.

What did they leave out?

The moron who is behind this law. The simple idiot bent on jacking up our taxes in the midst of a horrific recession. The fringe-leftist whack job that this rag has supported since he first climbed out of his "screw the people" hole.

Jim "The Candy Man" Moelller, (Socialist 49th District).

If these morons were true "journalists," isn't it obvious they would have pinned the "credit" for this complete stupidity where it most properly belong? They obviously know he's behind it: why are they protecting him?

This tax didn't develop in a test tube. Saying
"Others say Washington is not the first state to separate candy from baked goods for sales tax purposes, using the pivotal ingredient of flour. The language, drafted by the multistate Streamlined Sales Tax Governing Board, aims to makes sales-tax rules more uniform across the nation.

“At least 24 other states have this definition,” said Mike Gowrylow, a spokesman for the Washington State Department of Revenue.

If EVERY other state adopted this stupidity, that wouldn't justify ANYTHING. It's pretty clear these leftists are making a concerted effort to spin this for their fellow travelers so it isn't used as yet another in the series of excuses to bludgeon these morons at the polls in November.

But the quiz question today is this: why are the scum at the Columbian so bent on protecting Moeller? Why aren't they telling the whole world who is directly responsible for this garbage?

Well, I think we know why, don't we?

For more on the background, check out Lew Waters on the Candy Man.

1 comment:

  1. We cannot forget that Jim Jacks, notorious for saying in a debate back in August 2008 that he had no idea about how to fix the tax structure in the state, went along with this ridiculous tax increase and he too is up for reelection this time.

    Oh yeah, the Columbian endorsed him last time, too.


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