Tuesday, May 04, 2010

The rare ask: Please pray for Luke Jensen, my 9 year old cousin who doesn't have much time left (Update 14)

A quiet day.

I'm enjoying watching Tom and Jerry right now, if only because I'm watching it with Luke. He's been very quiet these last few days, choosing to silently watch cartoons. Just when we think he's asleep, and we try to turn down the volume or (foolishly) change the channel, he will open his eyes and change things back with the remote. He wants the cartoons on, and his family close -- but not too close. When Vikki or I try to crawl into his bed next to him, he may be tolerant for awhile, but (with a wave of his hand and a look in his eyes) will eventually kick us out each time. We keep trying.


Yesterday morning we brought Luke up to Doernbecher for a transfusion. We didn't want to waste the whole precious day there, so we only got platelets. This should help for those ongoing nose bleeds Luke has been having. Since he didn't receive red cells (his hemo counts were more borderline and only declining slowly), we were able to come home by lunch time.



Remember Luke.

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