Saturday, May 01, 2010

The rare ask: Please pray for Luke Jensen, my 9 year old cousin who doesn't have much time left. (Update 12) "Our time with Luke is running short"

It's almost over.

"I feel like," Luke said, "if there's a war, that we've already lost the war. But that's okay. We've already won it two times. I'm not afraid anymore."

"What's that mean?" I asked.

"Cancer. We've lost the war against cancer."

"Right. But what does that mean for you, Buddy?"


"That's right, Buddy. And it's just like stepping through the door to go outside. You'll just step through the door and you'll be in Jesus' arms." [My voice broke before I could complete that thought.]


It is very apparent that our time with Luke is running short. For now, we will remain at his side.

In tears,


There isn't much time.

I've just heard that Luke has said "I have seen the gates of Heaven and they are open for me."

He is not afraid.

When this is done, I will set up a blogspot for Luke that will stand for all time as another memorial to this little boy, who will have been with us for far too short of a time.

I will go to it at least once a day, as a reminder of pure innocence. As a reminder to try and not allow the anger and the rage I feel over our politics to consume me.

Luke has at least taught me that. And for as long as I live, I will try and remember the lesson that is Luke Jensen.

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