Friday, May 28, 2010

A quick question for Brandon Vick: what makes you say this:


It all starts in the halls of our capitol and in this race I am the only candidate that has the courage, conviction and energy needed to win these battles.

Having been actually blessed (or cursed, depending on the perspective) with having spent 6 years in those very halls, I'm just wondering: how do you figure?

How do you quantify this? What do you base it on?

Are you a combat veteran or something? Do you have any prior elected experience that you haven't told us about?

Or is this just typical electioneering bloviation?

Serving as a legislator really doesn't bear any resemblance to walking point for a dismounted Stryker platoon in Kanduhar. So, how is it that you somehow view your "courage," or "conviction" or "energy" as superior in any way to anyone else?

Can you help me with that? And if you answer this question, I'll certainly post it up... but as a presumptive constituent, I really want to know.


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