Sunday, May 30, 2010

Pridemore and the lie.

Look, I get that the fringe left have put their faith in the neo-communist nutter representing the Soviet Socialist Republic of Vancouver in the senate.

I get that they overlook his history of corruption, his selling out the "poor and the powerless" to vote for a budget he seems to have hated. I get that they don't care that he sold out the 3rd District by crapping on us when he tossed our votes into the garbage by eliminating I-960. I get that they support his gerrymandering to screw us with a loot rail tax. I get all of that.

But to come right out and lie on your website?

The working men and women of Washingon[sic] decided - by a huge nearly 70% vote - that my vision of principled, progressive leadership in Congress is the one to support. I'm honored by their endorsement, and thankful for their recognition that I've always fought for hard-working families and I'm committed to genuine, straightforward leadership in Congress.

How sad is it that you can't even spell "Washington?"

It WASN'T "The working men and women of Washingon[sic]." The vast majority of the "working men and women of Washington" HAVE never heard of you, and WILL never hear of you, as your abortive congressional aspiration dies here directly, either after you report another horrifically abysmal fund raising quarter or after you get destroyed in the primary.

Now, if you're referring to the UNIONS.. well, that's a different matter.

But unions make up such a tiny percentage (thank God) of the people actually working here, that the union endorsements are particularly worthless.

Don't exaggerate, Craig. Your neo-communist political view won't get you elected to dog catcher outside the USSV.

You're a democrat, Craig. Your failure to take a principled stand and vote AGAINST a budget you opposed is the exact kind of thing we DON'T need representing us in Congress.

This isn't Pravda. Stop acting like it is.

1 comment:

  1. Truth be known, it would be more like 70% of Union leaders support him.

    How often are Union members actually asked who they want the Union to endorse?


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