Thursday, May 27, 2010

Observations of local political power.

This election cycle, I've been noticing some truly bizarre displays of what the practitioners would like to think equates to political power.

I dunno. I'm just not impressed.

I can't say why, exactly. Maybe it's because of my time in the military. Maybe it's because I make my living out of politics. Maybe it's because I served at the throne of political power in this state and discovered that most people who try and wield it are simpletons who I wouldn't let run an elevator for me.

Some believe themselves powerful for a variety of reasons. The trouble is that the phrase "power" in the political world has only two definitions: "real" and "perceived."

REAL power is the ability to impact me and others directly.

PERCEIVED power is that power where those who practice it believe they actually have it; and those whom are targeted by that power to some extent or another allow some level of control to be vested in that person or group of people.

To that end, I really don't give a damn if someone has 200,000 followers on twitter or 200,000,000. I just don't care if you make up some nonexistent title or position as if you think you really are somebody.

I don't care who you know. I don't care what office you hold, or held, or ran for. I don't need your approval or support to do what I do.

I will speak the truth as I understand it, and thankfully, there is nothing anyone can do about it.

And man, that is liberating.

Some of the most allegedly powerful people in GOP Politics want me dead; if not literally, then politically. They want me that way because I will not go along to get along. They want me that way because no one in GOP politics from the state level on down gets my support or is immune from my critique unless they rate it.

These same people all seem to lack the testicular fortitude to confront me directly; instead they attack my friends in an effort to silence me, or they attempt to apply professional pressure.

All I have are a few blogs. These same people who want to silence me threaten others if I am not silenced. Some Herrera followers a while back were circulating threats against me personally, though not of a physical nature.

No, not physical threats. But threats of the political variety.

Other candidates have contacted people I know claiming that I "lie" or engage in "slander." Others, in some effort to reduce the pressure or the impacts of what I write, lie about me directly.

What none of them do, however, is refute me.

I have a standing offer to ANYONE: if you know me to be wrong, feel free to contact me and provide your evidence. If I see evidence that I am wrong, I WILL post that fact as I did here and here; on one occasion when the evidence was provided, and on another occasion when my position was overcome by events.

To candidates running for any office, being threatened or pressured into any action by any of these self-important, self-acclaimed puppet masters is the first step towards being co-opted. They will continue to pressure you into doing their bidding, and you are likely to continue to acquiesce. It is their habit to get what they want by pressure. It's a habit they want you, candidate, to get into.

While I was going to college, I took a philosophy class. Even though it was 30 years or so ago, I remember it well: Never act because of authority. Authority can, and frequently is, wrong.

Going to someone else's fund raiser, for example; being "ordered" to buy a table and then actually doing that?

Wrong on every level.

Doing that because you WANT to do that... because YOU think it's a good idea?

That's entirely different.

This kind of garbage is precisely why I do this. I see it as a duty to lift the veil and let anyone who cares to glimpse the reality of the political landscape of this state and this local area.

You learn a lot in my position. You hear a lot and you have to be careful to be able to separate fact from fiction; rumor from reality.

Only about a third of what I hear ever makes it to this blog. The rest fails to rise to any credible level of proof, so I don't write about it even though, on many occasions, I "know" it to be true. "Knowing" and "proving" are two dramatically different things.

But the one absolute that I know for a fact: none of you scare me. I will not be silenced.

And if you think you can silence me, then let's get this party started.


  1. I have thought for awhile about whether or not to respond to what has been said here...not because of any thought regarding disagreement, but simply because as he said so well, the author of this blog does not need my support or lack of it to effect change in whatever arena he chooses to visit. I choose to respond because of the cause he champions, which is TRUTH.
    I have had the privilege of knowing this author for 32 years and in that time there is one thing that has become very clear, he does not lie and he will not tolerate untruth in the people he surrounds himself with. He is a man of his word and he will do the right thing, whether it is comfortable for him or not. This blog is evidence of that.
    If I understand correctly, there are those who would seek to silence this person for simply speaking the truth. If that is true, I am deeply saddened. What a sad commentary on our political leadership or those working with them to not have any other conflict resolution skills other than power plays or threats. What happened to discussion? What happened to the ability to meet and genuinely seek to work out differences? If what is being written here is wrong, then where are those who would step up to the plate and provide the evidence to refute it? That would be the honorable thing to do as well as being the quickest way to stop anything that is being said in error. However, it takes more courage and personal character to confront someone in the light of day than to oppose them in the shadows.
    Whether it is on this blog, or others...encourage those who have the courage to speak out truth that is backed up by fact, those who identify legitimate problems in the community, the state or the nation and offer workable solutions. If we do not, there will be fewer and fewer individuals who will offer themselves up to stand in that place.
    Edmund Burke said, "all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
    Please understand that in making reference to this quote, I am not implying that the people who are being written about in this blog are evil. I am in no place to judge that. What I am saying is that if plans are being made, things are being said or laws are being made that you know are wrong, that you know are misleading, you must say so or support those who do. Otherwise it continues and becomes stronger because no one does anything about it. You have one here who is willing, if not compelled, to speak out. This man does not have it in his heart to intentionally slander or mislead. He simply wants the truth spoken, and people to be honest about what they say and do. I see nothing wrong in that.
    As a member of my community, I am looking for leaders who have integrity, who will serve the best interests of their constituents and who will not sell their souls to occupy positions of power. I am looking for political leadership that wants to do the job, not just have the title; who will truly represent my values and beliefs in exchange for my vote, not just say they will. To me, that takes a person who I can trust to say what they mean and mean what they say.
    "Honor never grows old, and honor rejoices the heart of age. It does so because honor is, finally, about defending those noble and worthy things that deserve defending, even if it comes at a high cost. In our time, that may mean social disapproval, public scorn, hardship, persecution, or as always, even death itself. The question remains: What is worth defending? What is worth dying for? What is worth living for?"

    - William J. Bennett - In a lecture to the United States Naval Academy, November 24, 1997
    The author of this blog is someone you can count on. If he says something it is because he knows it to be true and if it is his opinion, he will not mislead you to believe it is anything other than his opinion. He loves his country, his family and is a loyal friend. But above all, he is someone I am proud to know.

  2. David Standal10:55 PM

    Right on, Kriss! I don't know Kelly at all, yet. But I like what I've heard so far... His experiences and opinions are similar to mine, so what he says rings true to me. There is nothing more important for our country, right now, than electing honorable people.

  3. Thank you both for stopping by and sharing. I really appreciate it.


If I cannot identify you, then your post will be deleted.

No threats (Death or otherwise) allowed towards me or anyone else. If you have allegations of misconduct, they must be verifiable before I will publish them in comments.
