Friday, May 21, 2010

(Redux) In keeping with my policy of correcting errors, I post the following from Richard Carson, Independent Candidate for the 18th.

On Wednesday, the 19th, I posted the following entry: Bad Form at the We The People vetting last night: You need to actually show up to be vetted.

In that entry, I took Richard Carson to task for failing to show up. In response, Mr. Carson provides the following email:

I would like you to print a correction. Thomas Niewulis with We The People
will be glad to confirm that it was his mistake and not mine that resulted in my
not being at the May 18th meeting. I was at the Church of Proebstel talking to
the Proebstel Neighborhood Association that night. Mr. Niewulis had an email
about this and apparently didn’t read it. He has apologized for his mistake and
has scheduled me for May 25th. His email says “Sorry. I got conflicted. We will
have you on for the 5/25.” I can send you the email if you want to document it.
Or you can email Thomas at - Rich Carson

Tom Niewulis checks in:

This is Tom Niewulis and will concur with Rich that we had a scheduling error on
my part. I missed the communication cycle to our web site, news letter and schedule at the meeting. When I looked back at the email chain, Rich is scheduled for May 25th.

My apologies to all.

We continue to make every effort to make the Vetting Process a positive process for the electorate and the candidates.

Please join us this Tuesday since we have a full Slate.

Unfortunately we will be ending the process as of June 1st.

Thank you

11:46 AM

Clark County Politics (meaning me) regrets the error.

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