Thursday, May 20, 2010

The cowardice of the Obama Effect: More ships to be sunk?

One of the problems resulting from having a gutless empty suit lead us is that we can expect to be continually tested as those who wish us ill will incessantly push the envelope.

The North Koreans (Norks) sank a South Korean Corvette in either South Korean or International Waters.

The history and evidence for that is for another post, perhaps. This post is about the "why" of it.

The rest of the world has a varying view of the United States. But is it rocket science to conclude that the rest of the world is becoming increasingly, and rightly, convinced that this nation is run by a coward?

South Korea should step it up and blow a North Korean ship to Mars.... a much bigger, more expensive ship, if the Norks are possessed of such a thing.

And the United States should inform North Korea that any military response will be met with nuclear weapons.

The Norks and other rogue states keep pushing because they're rightfully convinced that the clueless idiot running the show lacks the testicular fortitude to respond in language that the Norks and the others will understand.

A HUGE part of our problem in foreign policy is that we're the "Gumpian" box of chocolates: these juvenile delinquents of countries never know what they're going to get.

The United States SHOULD have a simple foreign policy in security matters. It should be predictable and easily understood, it should be as certain as sun rise.

When country "A" (In this case, the Norks) openly attacks country "B," and country "B" is an American ally, then country "A" MUST know, in advance, that there will be a price to pay for that.

You want to sink a South Korean warship, an act of war in any one's lexicon?


You think you can do that for free.... you think you can get away with that?

Think again.

There MUST be a price to pay.

But in this instance, it's fairly clear that the Norks have made the likely accurate calculation that because of the Presidents marble-sized testicles, they CAN sink South Korean ships for free, AND get away with it.

South Korea is, I understand, going to take their evidence to the UN, the rough equivalent of a momma cow taking the remains of her calf to a Wolf Convention to seek out justice against the other wolf who killed her baby. In short, a total waste of time.

You see, the moron running the show has yet to grasp the concept that if we are to continue to insist on being the only side that plays by the rules; then the other side will continue to insist they will kick our ass... because they know they can do it for free.

As it is, the terrorists are laughing at us over our absurd Rules of Engagement.

The ACORN in Chief seems unaware of what the concept of war really is. Maybe somebody hit him in the head during one of those repeated golf dates he's been getting a pass over while Americans are shedding blood as a result of his insipid running of the war or something, but his inability to let the military do it's job is making this more like Vietnam every day.

There are at least two things that Joe Biden has said that are absolutely accurate:

1. Barack Obama is not ready to be president, an observation becoming increasingly clear to the American voter;

2. We will be tested.

Well, the Norks just tested us. And so far, we've failed.


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