Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Can someone explain to me why an alleged Republican would endorse a democrat for Clark County Commissioner?

I've never understood this kind of thing.

What is the point of having a political party or affiliation if you blow it off to endorse someone so corrupt... someone from the party who is supposed to oppose everything you stand for?

That explains a lot, of course.

It explains why Boldt blew off his promise to me to hold an advisory vote on this horrific, unneeded and unwanted bridge/loot rail project, for example.

Marc Boldt is my brother in law. He is also supposed to be a Republican. And I am ashamed of that fact.

Stuart and Boldt deserve each other, but we don't deserve to have either of them wrecking our community.


  1. Michael Cummins10:59 AM

    This is just standard logrolling. Stuart endorsed Boldt in '08.

  2. And? So what's your point?

    There's a reason Stuart leads with Marc's endorsement. I stand by my initial point: If members of one party endorse members of another party to the detriment of their own party member running for the job... then there's really no point in even having parties to begin with.

  3. Michael Cummins3:10 PM

    I wasn't trying to make a point. And I'm not sure what in my original comment made you think I'm trying to excuse it. It's just the explanation you asked for.

    Maybe you already knew that that was the true reason, but your readers might not have, and you didn't mention it in your original post.


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