Monday, May 24, 2010

An admission I was wrong: Dino Rossi is going to announce.

Earlier, I had indicated that Rossi most likely would not announce; I mistakenly believed he'd put his family first, but taken in totality, an arrogance and ego that would force the rest of the party to wait while he dithered would certainly not be as concerned about that as most of us would.

Now, multiple sources have reported that Dino "Ego" Rossi will finally... finally... deign to let the rest of us in on his secret decision.

I will not be supporting Rossi. His desire to waste $75 million taxpayer dollars to keep the Sonics in town killed the deal for me. Any so-called fiscal conservative who would want to make that huge amount of money vaporize for professional sports in a town that had just months before voted 3 to 1 to STOP that kind of expenditure shows a tone deafness and irresponsibility to conservative principles that just sickens me.

Adding that to a rather cowardly, IMHO, refusal to endorse a friend and fellow former legislator in the primary of the '08 county commissioner race; a race that the candidate in question, Tom Mielke, ultimately won.

Combine that with this "it's all about me" approach to announcing for the senate, and you've produced a level of self-importance and egomania... with just the tiniest bit of intrepredation that would put Benito Mussolini to shame.

Good luck, Dino; you're gonna need it. But I wish for you the same outcome you wished for all those who went before and sacrificed their time, effort and their money.

Cross posted at Dino Rossi Watch.


  1. Rossi jumping in now reminds me of when Fred Thompson entered in 2008. Thompson's heart just wasn't in it and we all saw how that went.

  2. Michael Cummins8:57 PM

    I'm not sure I could vote for Dino even in the general after the way he has played this (won't vote for Patty, either, of course). I would feel even more resentment if I were one of the candidates who has been working hard for many months.

    Sorry, Mr. Vance, here's one Republican that won't "line up"...


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