Sunday, April 18, 2010

The rare ask: Please pray for Luke Jensen, my 9 year old cousin who doesn't have much time left. (Update 3)

Time becomes an increasingly precious commodity when you see it slipping away.

Saturday's update includes:

The hospice nurse visited today and spent a couple hours working with Vikki. They went over all of Luke's medications and made sense of things, and more than a couple modifications. When the nurse checked Luke's vitals, she found that he not only has an ongoing fever, he also has an increasing heart rate. As his body is getting weaker, it's having to work extra hard. My heart is just breaking for my poor son.

We're mostly able to hold ourselves together and just live in the moment. I'm better at hiding my tears than Vikki, probably because I can keep myself distracted better. A few minutes ago, as Vikki was sitting with Luke and he was building Legos, Vikki did start to quietly cry. Luke caught her and said, "Mom, I'm OK right now. And remember what I said: 'I don't have time to worry about the things that could happen. I am too busy thinking of all the happy things that have happened."

There is simply no way I could handle this nearly as well if I was faced with the same circumstance. My heart goes out to their entire family in this time of need. There are no words to adequately describe the strength and courage this young man shows.

Please keep them in your thoughts.

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