Thursday, June 03, 2010

Mair steps in it again: Today's revisionist history award goes to....

Below the line is the original post where I bitch slapped a Herrera staffer whose name rhymes with "Ignorant" who blasted Benton for rightfully calling Rossi, who will lose this race, out for delaying his entry.

Now, Ms. Mair is engaging in just the tiniest bit of revisionist history with a rather moronic piece she just slammed together attacking me.
Forgive me for yawning. I've heard that a certain "politically savvy" Benton fan whose name rhymes with "Belly" trashed me a couple months ago using four and five letter words typically applied to women that aren't very nice for suggesting that Benton would do just this shortly after Dino Rossi entered the Senate race. After all, Benton's fundraising was so stellar (he managed a weak $130,000 raised in two months of campaigning). And Benton was at least seen to imply he wouldn't drop out just last week.
I am, of course, flattered that Liz thinks highly enough of me to single me out. Nevertheless, Benton's actions in calling Rossi out was the right thing to do at the time. Further, nothing I wrote had anything to do with what Benton would do if Rossi entered.

Where's ol Liz's self-delusion comes into play is the idea that I "trashed her a couple months ago using four and five letter words typically applied to women that aren't very nice."

In fact, Mair referred to herself as a "snarky bitch." What I was doing was merely agreeing with her... while schooling her as to the reasoning for Benton's position.

Due to her ignorance, she seems incapable of understanding that nothing that happened today disproved anything I said. Further, I never indicated that Benton could beat Rossi, or that Benton was the superior candidate.

What I said was what many others, including light weights like Jon Cornyn said: waiting is stupid. Waiting does nothing to make Rossi more viable against Murray.

But then, it appears that among her other talents, revisionist history plays a major role as well.

BTW, Liz: this you can dish it out but you can't take it thing?

You've got to do better than that.

While Liz Mair disclaims the fact that she "...didn't get up in the morning and think about ways to be a snarky bitch to politicians back home" while simultaneously pulling it off brilliantly, the fact of the matter is that since she's a wholly owned subsidiary of the Bellevue Mafia, to have expected any OTHER response from her would have been ludicrous.

As I pointed out earlier, Dino Rossi is doing neither himself not anyone else any favors by keeping his foot on the throat of fund raisers for Senate candidates in this state because he's too indecisive to either make a damned decision, or he's made it and he's too damned arrogant to let us in on the secret.

Mair has proven her political ignorance of this area with her kool aid drinking support of Jaime Herrera. If Benton raised $130,000, that's $130,000 that Rossi HASN'T raised. I, for one, am sick of Rossi's intransigence. He is NOT the be all to end all in politics, and I believe he has waited FAR too long to get into this.

See, I can only wonder what Mair will say if Rossi sticks to his plan and decides to get in at the last second... and lose.

Will she be the one leading the "if only he had announced earlier" charge?

If Rossi waits until the last second he WILL NOT BE VIABLE IN WASHINGTON STATE.

What Benton is doing is calling him out. Mair, a self-described "expert" is apparently too ignorant to figure that out. So what does she do?

She engages in the kind of play ground BS that those who do not believe in the gospel of Herrera or Rossi are likely to get.

Let's add "ignorant" to Mair's self-imposed title of "snarky bitch," shall we? I know I have.

1 comment:

  1. Benton did about the only thing he could do in endorsing Rossi.

    Rossi, on the other hand, didn't do any one any favors with all of his foot dragging these past months.

    And now, others that committed months ago and have been building support, are just expected to walk away?

    Isn't that sort of the attitude displayed from loser Herrera's camp?

    I'll support ROssi should he receive the nomination, but in my gut, I;m not convinced he is the one who could defeat "the Mom in muddy tennis shoes."


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