Tuesday, April 13, 2010

David Barnett: Gee, a crack head druggie doing business with La Center city government. Why am I not surprised?

So, the local paper publishes a story documenting how David Barnett was on crack and meth if the "girl friend" is to be believed.

Barnett was ejected and Rutyne fled. Emergency responders transported Barnett to Harborview Medical Center and tracked down Rutyne. According to a report by Deputy Mark Souza, Rutyne told firefighters that she had been using crack cocaine and methamphetamine with her boyfriend and that she had also used Hydrocodone, Oxycodone and Percocet. She voluntarily gave a blood sample and rambled about her relationship with Barnett, Souza wrote.

“She said she met her boyfriend at rehab and they began dating about one year ago. She relapsed in May and began using crack with her boyfriend,” Souza wrote.

Rutyne told officers that she and Barnett had used drugs, according to a report.

Toxicology results were “positive” for both Barnett and Rutyne, according to documents, but the sheriff’s office redacted the specific substances.
Barnett, best known for shilling for the massive economic black hole known as the megacasino, (Along with his 2 different restraining orders from women) suffered serious head injuries from his brief airborne dalliance.

As I have pointed out, I do not have any sympathy for Barnett. What he and his minions are working so hard to do to our community has long since eliminated any ability I would have otherwise had to be sympathetic to Barnett's plight.... since he shared no sympathy or our plight.

When I would attend a meeting, and Barnett would literally channel Chief Umtuch ("Chief Umtuch sends his greetings") I wondered if he was on drugs.

When he threatened Marc Boldt... when he bought Steve "Easy Money" Stuart... when he dumped $100,000 into our local politics to buy politicians to support their money laundering operation... I wondered. "Is this guy on drugs?"

Well, given his extensive record, it wouldn't have surprised me. It would certainly help to explain why the new shill for the casino, Phil Harju, "disappeared" this guy locally.

But now, I have even less sympathy or concern for this drug-addled scum who is doing his best to wreck that which I have come to love so he can make millions off of the gambling addicts supporting this garbage HERE, because they don't want to get on a bus and drive for an hour or two to dump their social security checks into the pockets of others somewhere else.

That the now wholly owned by tribal-interests city government of LaCenter is so eager to do business with people like this is simply beyond my comprehension.

Hopefully, they didn't share needles.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Dave Barnett is a lower than scum. I know him and I know people who are VERY scared of him (mostly women). He's used so much crack and other drugs that he's mentally deranged! If you look at him "wrong" he'll use his lawyers to file some kind of bogus legal action against you. I, for one, am afraid of him and I hate him (and I've never hated anyone until I had the unfortunate event of meeting him).


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