Sunday, March 14, 2010

What does Baird's endorsement of Heck mean?

Our soon-to-be political-late congressman, Brian Baird, has rarely been one for timing.

His "yes" votes on debt-incurring, horrifically expensive bills like the porkulous, which easily violated his self-imposed but frequently ignored 72 hour review rule are proof of that.

So now, in the midst of the most recent stirring of his bogus death threat brouhaha, Baird does Heck the dubious favor of "endorsing" him.

No amount of money will get Heck elected, although he is most likely the best of the leftists running.

His lack of guts in refusing to take a stand on the horrific Health Care (and anything else we can jam in it, like student loans) reform bill is his doom. One need look no farther than Pam Brokaw's failure to take positions on the megacasino and tolls to see that political cowardice doesn't do particularly well as a platform plank.

Adding the "kiss of Baird" to his campaign will not help. Pridemore is a fringe-leftist, reeking with political corruption, so he's out. None of the others are to the right of Marx, so they're out. Looks like the only thing good coming out of this will be money for the Dotzauer slime machine.


  1. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Sadly, Heck at least has more experience than so-called GOP front runner Hererra. If forced to choose between the two, I'd reluctantly vote for Heck simply because he at least has held a real job as an adult.

  2. Anonymous7:23 AM

    "...he at least has held a real job as an adult." That's why Castillo is the better choice!


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