Friday, March 05, 2010

Someone claiming to be Gary Schimmel swings by: Ethics are no big deal.

Not long ago (day before yesterday) I suggested that the Chair of the Cowlitz County GOP should resign for his now active conflict of interest in both refusing to utilize the Cowlitz County GOP email list to pass along campaign communiques or press releases which don't meet his arbitrary standard of acceptability, particularly when he has to fabricate fictional reasons for when those efforts don't pass his muster; and his endorsement of any candidate in a contested, open, primary.

As a result of that endorsement, he has made the decision to censor the communications of other candidates with districts that include any part of Cowlitz County, there by exercising his control in a completely unethical manner to support candidates he has endorsed.

That kind of tyrannical application of an arbitrary standard has a basis in such luminarious local political systems as North Korea... Iran... Nazi Germany... and the Soviet Union, to name a few.

And given how weak the candidate he's now shilling for actually is, I can understand his fear that telling the people the truth about that candidate's competition would certainly further endanger said candidate's dimming chances while further calling into question the judgment of anyone who would endorse him in the first place, particularly when such an endorsement is improper, unethical and a violation of the tenets of the office he holds.

Apparently, in Gary Schimmel's world, ethics are no big thing.

Someone claiming to be Schimmel swung by and left the following comment to my post demanding his resignation:

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Thank you for the offer. I do not plan on resigning. I am to[sic] excited about the[sic] getting the right candidates into office; and yes, I do want the "right" candidate to succeed.......................................................................... (Gary Schimmel) 1:19 PM

Publish Reject
Naturally, if he wanted the "right" candidate to succeed, he wouldn't be wasting his time with the one he's chosen.

And, of course, no where did I indicate that county chairs could not have people they support. As misguided as it is to want Shannon Barnett elected to anything, that, of course, is Schimmel's right.

But there is no excuse for publicly endorsing any candidate in a contested primary, and there is certainly no excuse for abusing the authority of your position by silencing anyone wise enough to run against your boy.

I am given to understand that because of Schimmel's juvenile antics with communications that show the weaknesses of Schimmel's choice, the candidate in question will not be allowed to use the Clark County GOP net as he otherwise would be if his puppet would give people the credit they deserve and allow them the right to read these things and make up their own minds without being told what to think by those with an insipid bias.

I've frequently wondered why Cowlitz County is controlled by democrats. All 3 commissioners are democrats, even though it's immediate neighbor to the south is controlled by Republicans.

Now I know.

Good job, Gary. And you really should take me up on my offer.

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