Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Shannon Barnett, you're not a spinmeister.

So, I wonder over to the web site that looks like it was slammed together by an 8th grader for an assignment due tomorrow that he'd forgotten about, and what do I see?
Work Experience

Shannon has worked for a major construction company for over 19 years. For 17 of those years he managed a trucking division and in the last two years was promoted to a corporate sales position.
I can't imagine anyone working for a "major construction company for over 19 years" and then being too ashamed of said company to use it's name on his website.
older results
$440 was given by people who identified their employer as "J.L. STOREDAHL & SONS".
$440 from 1 person to Republicans
$0 to Democrats
SHANNON BARNETT Donation of $440 to Presidential elections 2004

J.L. STOREDAHL & SONS Updated Q1/2004

George W. Bush


Did you know that $6,468 was donated in this
donor's zip code (98625)? Click here to find out how much was given and to who.
Grasshopper, you have yet to Master the Art of da Spin. Why is it that your employer of the last 19 years doesn't rate a mention? They got leprosy or something?

Maybe they should be as ashamed of you as you seem to be of them.

So, besides that shlock fundraiser email you sent out for Herrera... you know, the one in the guise of the phony Christmas message? (after already having worthlessly endorsed Castillo) what else have you mislead us on? What else are you going to spin?

Maybe it's that nonsense about "managing a trucking division" for "17 of those years." Being a "dispatcher" in no way equates to "managing" anything.

No wonder you've carried Herrera's water like Gunga Din since McMorris parachuted her back in here. You two are exactly alike.

Same lack of integrity. Same need to be liked.

As I more closely examine the website, there are, I'm sure other relevant tidbits besides engaging in the Herreraian art of exaggerating about your job description to make up for your complete lack of qualifications to be a state anything, but this will do for now.

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