Thursday, March 11, 2010

Rivers crushes competition in the 18th District fund raising race.

Speaks for itself. And it's time for those with no fund raising skills to clear the decks and let a winner have a clear shot at the general.

Clearly, no other challenge candidate comes close to River's ability to raise money.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:28 PM

    From my view, Ann Rivers is running an excellent campaign for the 18th Legislative District seat. She has a great website, knows the issues, clearly articulates her conservative values and can raise money. She has been involved in Clark County commerce for a long while and is well connected. She is bright, articulate and she's a tough scrapper! All qualities I would like to see represent me in Olympia. In my opinion, it would be wise for other Republicans currently in this race to withdraw and help Ann win this seat.

    I specifically address one Washougal Councilman Jon Russell. I have nothing against Jon Russell. But his actions are cause for several red flags. For the past several months, Mr. Russell has been telling the good people of Washougal that he really does not want his current job on the Washougal City Council. First he made a huge leap to run for Brian Baird's US Congressional seat. Following the resignation of Baird and the entry of several new candidates, Russell hits a wall in fundraising, bows out of the 3rd Congressional District race and then decides to throw his hat, rather late, into the soon to be vacated 18th Legislative seat.

    In the future, if Jon wants so badly to seek higher office, (as his actions illustrate) he should first serve Washougal citizens he was elected to represent. Washougal has many challenges to overcome. If he is not willing to give all his attention to this current job, he should resign his seat on the Washougal City Council. This would allow another citizen to serve who's first priority is Washougal. The people of Washougal deserve as much.

    To learn more about Ann Rivers, go to


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