Saturday, March 06, 2010

Making Hash of the 17th? Democrat millionaire to purchase legislative seat.

I haven't lived in the 17th for about 6 or 7 years now, but I do have an affinity to the place since I served as a legislative assistant there for the better part of 6 years.

It seems that democrats have wised up to the fact that a fringe-leftist Obama delegate has a better chance of being elected Queen of the May then she does state representative.

The solution? Have a self-funder, who refuses to take any campaign contributions, come along and buy the seat like he's buying a new Ferrari. You know... sit around, pay some hitmen, (can't mus up your Armani) and let them and your check book do the dirty work for you.

Ahhh for the life of luxury politics.

Martin Hash, who has, in fact, done yeoman's work in the field of entertainment animation (many animated movies owe their "engines" to his software) has decided that he wants to buy a seat.

He'd made that decision last in 2008; decided it was too much work, and bailed after a brief run against now US Senate candidate State Senator Don Benton.

You've got to wonder where Hash is going to fit in to the Washington democrats class warfare meme.

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