Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Bad idea: clueless democrats strip Executive Ethics Board funding.

When you're cursed with unethical legislators like Rep. Jaime Herrera, who has others illegally vote in her absence, agencies such as the Washington State Executive Ethics Board play a vital roll in reigning in those in high places who lack integrity.

In addition to the many other self-inflicted wounds the democrats insist on causing this time around, they are actually stupid enough to believe that whacking a paltry $492,000 will do anything but allow them to engage in the underhanded activities of those like Herrera.

Hererra, who's campaign is beginning to smell like a curious mixture of wet cat, graphite spray and liquid Maalox, has been accused by Rep. Deb Wallace of having others vote for her during her extended absences, essentially to cover for her Congressional fundraising episodes, which became her primary job in Olympia as opposed to representing us in Olympia.

The funding for the Ethics Board must be restored. Or else people like Herrera will run roughshod over ALL of her duties and "Boss Hogg" her job that we shamefully elected her to fill in the misbegotten idea that her focus would be on US, instead of the special interests running her pathetic campaign for Congress.

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