Tuesday, February 02, 2010

A view on this "Don't ask, don't tell" nonsense.

I agree with the idea that the time has come to do away with “Don't ask, don't tell.”

It was a moronic policy from the get go, and only a Clintonista could have come up with such idiocy.

Yes, it's long past time for this policy to go... and for the old policy of not allowing homosexuals to serve in any capacity to re-assume it's place.

This wouldn't even be an issue if those running the military hadn't been required to sell their souls to get their jobs.

Much has been made today of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Admiral Mike Mullen's testimony: “'allowing gays and lesbians to serve openly would be the right thing to do"

I take a somewhat different perspective because, yes, I will openly call the Admiral's motives into question for such a pronouncement and ask the question that I have yet to see anyone else ask: How many minutes would it have taken for Obama to fire Mullen if he had presented any other position? And what is the likelihood that passing that particular litmus test item was a requirement for Mullen to get the job in the first place?

That is part of why I believe we're long past time to quit screwing around with this nonsense and go back to the past policy.

There is absolutely nothing compatible with the military service and the homosexual life style. Nothing.

There is no requirement in this day and age to close our eyes to an abhorrent conduct, particularly when the basis for such a decision is nothing more than political pandering.

Never forget that the military discriminates against people every day.

Half inch too tall or too short? Weigh too much or too little? Commit a crime? Sustain an injury or wound? Fail to get promoted fast enough? Have severe acne?

Any one or all of these will find you out, no matter how long you've been in; or in the alternative, keep you from enlisting in the first place. Yet, no one seems concerned about these institutionalized forms of discrimination... because THAT kind of discrimination is OK... while putting up with conduct that can shatter a combat force is just something that the military is going to have to live with.

Had this decision been based on anything BUT political pandering, it could possibly be worth consideration. But any study that takes place now will serve ONLY to justify an already-made decision... much like, here locally, that massive, $100,000,000 waste of money known as the Columbia River Crossing, was a time and asset-consuming study with a pre-ordained outcome.

The Armed Forces of the United States should not ever be used as a political football. Further mainstreaming of homosexuality may satisfy a small segment of the ACORN-in-Chief's political supporters, but it will do nothing to increase our combat capability and that is the ONLY issue that should be under consideration.

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