Thursday, February 11, 2010

The State of Oregon to Steve "Owned by Barnett" Stuart: "Drop Dead."

The idiocy of even asking if Oregon would cut the commuters a break on the bridge tolls was just that. Embarrassingly idiotic... almost the product of a delusional drug-like state.

Steve "Cold, Hard Cash" Stuart is a frightened man. He's terrified that someone will actually man up and take him on. So far, no one has the guts, which is quite amazing: Anyone running against Stuart could splatter him like a bug on the windshield of a car crossing that moronic, unneeded and unwanted waste of billions known as the I-5 Bridge/loot rail project.

If ANYONE ran against this clown, he could not survive his own demise, brought about by the hatred the people of this county have for the monstrosity he shills so much to build... all the while knowing HE won't have to pay for it.

Here was my take at the time:

4. The state of Oregon will NEVER cut the people of this region a break on taxes. Whether they should or not is besides the point. The point is that YOU and that moron Leavitt are largely responsible for popping the people who live here with an additional $1300 per year tax for the rest of our lives for a bridge that YOU won't have to pay for.

Even the local paper, which has lied and exaggerated for years over this issue, has noted the embarrassment of Stuart's nonsensical attempt to get a little political cover for selling us out.

That Oregon rejected Stuart's dismal effort relieves him of precisely zero responsibility for his efforts to screw the people of Clark County.

Over the first ten years of tolling, Stuart and the slime he's riding with will charge each commuter $13,000.


And there is no political cover for that.

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