Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Pridemore slams another nail into his dimming congressional hopes: Votes to screw the will of the people.

It's bad enough that this area is cursed with a Senator who, on one hand, would complain that he "feared that the budget was balanced on the backs of the poor and the powerless" shortly before voting "yes" on that budget; it's bad enough that we have someone corrupt enough to change his campaign finance bill so his buddy, Clark County Commissioner Steve "Cold hard cash, Mr. Barnett" Stuart so he could keep $50,000 or so for his last commissioner campaign.

It's equally bad enough that this clown would ram through a bill gerrymandering the loot rail taxing district to make sure that tens of thousands of us here in Clark County have no say in jacking up the tax... we'll just have the duty to pay it.

it's bad enough that this moron wants to blow a $100,000,000 per year for the next several decades; bad enough that he wants to tax those of us using the bridge $1,300 per year... each... and rape us with that charge without asking us.

But added to that shameful list is his vote where he tells the tens of thousands of us here in the 3rd Congressional District to get screwed when he voted FOR the leftist tax jack up bill "suspending" I-960.

So, he joined with 25 other democrats possessed of political death wishes... including his own as he ended any possibility of becoming the next Congressman from the 3rd... if such a possibility existed at all.

This kind of monumental arrogance and ignorance (Raising taxes in the midst of a recession with double-digit unemployment? Really?) is not what anyone wants in their elected officials.

The people of the 3rd Congressional had spoken, Craig. And you just told us to F-off.

While that kind of bilge may play in the Soviet Socialist Republic of Vancouver... it ain't playing anywhere else.

Good bye, Craig. We hardly knew ye.

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