Friday, February 12, 2010

The paper gets it half right: Stuart IS an idiot, but only another idiot like Koenninger opposes ending the compact.

I've twice posted how moronic Stuart's babble for political cover was during his brainless State of the County speech.

The very idea of even uttering the words "Oregon" and "tax break" for the people of Clark County..... I mean, that's even more asinine than the $100,000,000 we've wasted, in large part because of Steve "Unmarked bills, Mr. Barnett" Stuart's demand to ram a $1300 per year fee down the throats of the 65,000 or so people who commute to work on the other side of the river... when Oregon has precisely zero record of concern or care about those of us filling their coffers at our expense.

Democrat State Representative Van De Wege's well timed and rightful call to stop funding the waste of money that is the Columbia River Gorge Commission is, of course, right on target.

That our local disgrace to journalism would get all huffy about it just serves as yet another reason to get rid of it.

For far too long, this despicable rag has advocated that the Constitution of the United States stop at the borders of the scenic area, and that the people living there should do so under restrictions these rank hypocrites wouldn't dream of allowing to be applied to themselves.

In this case, ignoring this cancer on our community is precisely the way to go. Well done, Rep. Van De Wege.

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