Friday, February 12, 2010

My ARMY screws up AGAIN: instead of a court martial and major prison time for cowardice... "admin separation."

We are cursed by an Army that continues to be wrapped around the axle of political correctness to the extent that it has produced stellar field grade officers like Major Nidal Hasan.

In this case, the scammer is one Alexis Hutchinson.

Hutchinson decided she didn't want to go. So, she's scammed an out by whining about her child.

Alexis Hutchinson was not on the plane when her unit deployed to Afghanistan in November.

Like the first scammer (Lisa Pagen) who successfully used her kids as a way to get out of doing her duty and screwing whoever took their place

At first, it seemed the Army had figured it out: Hutchinsion was rightfully charged in preparation for a court martial.

Failing to act will result in additional episodes of this kind of nonsense as those looking at deployment do a cost-benefit analysis over whether get a slap on the wrist is preferable to getting killed or mutilated.

So, for a while it seemed that sanity would reign, and the Army would finally move beyond the PC sewer that leadership has managed to sink into.

In the best of all worlds, Hutchinson would have been court martialed for desertion in the face of the enemy and, if found guilty, executed.



But so is screwing her unit. So is screwing the poor schlep who will have to risk THEIR life by taking her place. And so is screwing the taxpayers who paid for all of this nonsense.

You want to put an end to people putting off their deployments?

Put an end to the people who DO blow off their deployments.

End of problem.

In this instance, at least, Hutchinson doesn't SEEM to get any veteran's benefits, unlike the cowardly Lisa Pagan, who told the Army to f*#k off and got the whole package: honorable and all the goodies that go along with it.

At some point, the Army MUST begin to reorient their leadership and philosophies: because if we cannot stare down and discipline our own soldiers...

.... how can we reasonably expect to defeat any enemy?


  1. I can't help but think "Mom" backed out of watching her grandchild at "daughter's" request.

    Everything about this stinks to high heaven.

    Enlist during a time of war and when your time comes to be deployed, to a kitchen no less, balk and say you have a kid and no one to watch the kid.

    What this young lady has pulled off hurts women more than helps and hurts Military readiness too.

    It's not a country club for an easy paycheck and benefits for life, no matter what the Democrats say about them.

  2. I agree with Lew, that this does a lot to hurt women in the military, but then, I have a tendency to not agree with women being on the front lines in the military anyway. That may seem old school, but the fact is that infants, young children and even "tweens" need their mothers, not a mother substitute. How many children are hurt for their entire lives by being unable to bond with their mothers as infants and young children due to work or legal problems or whatever it is that take the mothers out of the home? All of them, on one level or another.

    This IS NOT a feminist issue, this is coming to terms with the human condition, recognizing the legitimate needs of human beings who can't voice their needs, and being able and/or willing to put our careers and ambitions aside to take on the responsibility of being a mother.

    If a woman chooses a career in the service or a career in the private sector, and it is a career that will be very demanding, then the responsible thing would be to put off having a family until a better time in life.

    I don't know what this woman's circumstances were, but in my mind, the place of responsibility came not at the time of deployment but at the time she decided to have a child. It is very selfish to know that you are going to be taken away from your child and then decide to have one anyway.

    But these kinds of decisions require personal responsibility and self discipline. It requires looking ahead and making decisions based on long term prognosis, not what we want and what feels good at the time.

    Her actions are just symptoms of a deeper problem on many levels, not just in dereliction of duty.


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