Friday, February 05, 2010

The man with the political deathwish: Steve "Cold, hard cash, Mr. Barnett" Stuart and his moronic bridge.

Steve, look. The people of Clark County aren't nearly as stupid as you seem to think.

This isn't 2005 when you were able to get away with riding a wave of David Barnett's last minute laundered cash into a commissioner's seat.

So, here's your sign:

1. We do NOT need, want, can afford or remotely desire a replacement bridge with your idiotic loot rail.

2. It is not government's job to pay off your union buddies by wasting billions of OUR dollars to give THEM work. Government's function is to govern, not to pay off unions the way David Barnett paid off you.

3. When you said: "I can only support a toll if it is low enough for Clark County working families to afford and creates a benefit that's worth it," you lied. Like that clown Tim "The Liar" Leavitt, there is NO toll level you won't support, because, after all, the unions own you almost as much as Barnett.

So do us a favor and stop wasting our time. It doesn't matter how high the toll is, you would find some excuse to support that monstrosity.

4. The state of Oregon will NEVER cut the people of this region a break on taxes. Whether they should or not is besides the point. The point is that YOU and that moron Leavitt are largely responsible for popping the people who live here with an additional $1300 per year tax for the rest of our lives for a bridge that YOU won't have to pay for.

It is NOT important to "replace the existing bridge." It doesn't matter how many times you repeat that lie, it is not true. That you keep saying it doesn't make it true, since a completed bridge will do absolutely NOTHING to address congestion OR freight mobility.

You know that, of course, but how can you pay off your union buddies unless this steaming pile of crap is built?

I repeat: providing employment for the unions jerking your chains is not the job of government. I don't CARE about the "16,000" jobs that will put us into debt indefinitely. "Jobs" are NOT an argument for ANY of this... particularly since you lack the balls to ASK US FIRST.

To get that pig pile built and pay off your union lackey supporters, you are doing everything you can to sell out the 65,000 commuters perfectly happy with the paid for bridge we have now.

You ought to be ashamed of yourself.

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