Monday, February 15, 2010

Interesting results from Rasmussen on Senate Poll: Benton leads announced Republicans.

Both the Didier and Widner camps have to be disheartened at the results of today's Rasmussen Poll here in Washington State, where recently announced State Senator Don Benton leads all announced Republicans in the race to unseat Patty Murray:
Washington Survey of 500 Likely Voters

February 11, 2010

2010 Washington Senate

Dino Rossi (R)


Patty Murray (D)


Some Other Candidate


Not Sure


2010 Washington Senate

Don Benton (R)


Patty Murray (D)


Some Other Candidate


Not Sure


2010 Washington Senate

Clint Didier (R)


Patty Murray (D)


Some Other Candidate


Not Sure


2010 Washington Senate

Chris Widener (R)


Patty Murray (D)


Some Other Candidate


Not Sure


Likewise, continued leads in the polls have to be of interest to Dino Rossi as well.

Meanwhile, Scott Brown's consulting crew, now on board with Benton, must be thrilled; since Brown was 33 behind when he announced.

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Democratic Senator Patty Murray holds double-digit leads on three of the top Republicans who hope to unseat her in this year’s Senate race in Washington State.

A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of likely voters in the state finds Murray, who is expected to seek a fourth six-year term this fall, leads Republican state Senator Don Benton 50% to 38%.

Against former professional football player Clint Didier, now a private businessman active in the Tea Party movement, Murray has a 15-point lead, 49% to 34%.

The incumbent posts a 48% to 33% lead over businessman and motivational speaker Chris Widener.

In the three contests, anywhere from three (3%) to five percent (5%) prefer some other candidate and nine (9%) to 14% are undecided. An incumbent at this stage of the contest who earns less than 50% is considered potentially vulnerable.

The potential vulnerability is highlighted when Murray is matched against Dino Rossi, the unsuccessful GOP candidate in the state’s last two gubernatorial contests. Certainly the best-known of the Republicans, Rossi attracts 48% of the vote in a match-up with Murray while the incumbent earns 46%. One percent (1%) like another candidate, and five percent (5%) are undecided.

More here:
Yes, it's early yet, but both Didier and Widner have been campaigning for some time and both have yet to show anything approaching Benton's fund raising skill.

Meanwhile, Obama is doing everything HE can to aid the GOP in Washington by trashing government at every level with Patty Murray as a willing accomplice.

Will we see the granny-in-tennis shoes snatch defeat from the jaws of victory as she continues to march, lemming-like, over the Obama cliff?

Evan Bayh wouldn't go there. Will Murray?

1 comment:

  1. My concern, which doesn't seem to be anyone else's concern is that there is a distinct least in my mind...between Oprah Winfrey ending her TV show in 2011 and the election in 2012. Winfrey has been developing a very close connection with Obama as of late. Is it too far a stretch to consider that she intends to bring her huge fan base into the race? If that is the case, could Obama then have more strength/appeal to bolster democratic candidates that are running for positions in the senate or the house? I don't have a crystal ball, but it seems like a connection to me.


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