Thursday, February 25, 2010

The answer to the 9 am question.

Well, of COURSE Ms. Herrera was in Seattle attending another fund raiser arranged for her by those fine folks corrupting the 3rd Congressional race with special interest money... since she can't raise any on her own... instead of doing her job in Olympia.

You know... the job you're blowing off your oath to avoid doing?

See, Jaime... you should have resigned to go after your hobby. That way, you wouldn't have the embarrassment of supporting SEIU legislation that would effectively end low cost day care for those who need it the most; you wouldn't be dealing with the fall out of illegally having others vote in your place so you won't show up as absent; and maybe, just maybe, you might actually earn this gig on your own.

You won't, of course, because in doing the only job you could ever imagine having, you are doing a piss poor job of doing what you're SUPPOSED to do: representing us. Here. In THIS district.

In Olympia. Not in Seattle or Washington, DC fund raisers.

You put the "um" in scum... and you shouldn't be elected crossing guard.

Cross posted on Jaime Herrera Watch.

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