Thursday, February 04, 2010

Another self-inflicted nail in the leg democrats coffin: will of the people? WHAT "will of the people?"

The people of this state spoke loudly in 2007 with the passage of I-960, the initiative that required a 2/3rds vote to jack up our taxes.

Leftists, of course, didn't like it one bit. Sen. Lisa Brown shot herself (and her fading hopes to become a miniature governor) in the foot by attempting to circumvent the 2/3rds requirement (democrats hate any impediment to raising taxes) by setting up a lawsuit to once again declare the people's will unconstitutional.

Now, the dems are just going to get rid of those bothersome restrictions outright.
Senate Democrats propose bill to make it easier to raise taxes

Posted by Andrew Garber

Senate Democrats have introduced a measure, Senate Bill 6843, that would let the Legislature increase taxes with a simple majority vote.

The bill makes temporary and permanent changes to Initiative 960, a measure sponsored by Tim Eyman and approved by voters in 2007. The initiative reinstated a two-thirds vote requirement to boost taxes.

Senate Bill 6843 suspends the two-thirds requirement until July 2011, which would allow simple majority votes on tax increases next year as well. But it also makes permanent changes, such as stating any future tax increase that goes toward a voter-approved initiative only needs a simple majority vote.

That's a key provision. The Legislature, for example, has slashed several hundred million dollars in funding from the class-size reduction initiative, I-728, during the recession. The proposed change would make it easier for lawmakers to raise taxes for that initiative in the future.

Senate Majority Leader Lisa Brown, D-Spokane, referred to that provision and others as a "clean-up" of I-960.

Brown said the bill will be heard in committee on Thursday and is expected to get a floor vote in the Senate next week.

More here:

Brown is licking her chops to jack up our taxes in the midst of a horrific recession with double-digit unemployment. She's doing that because she lacks the guts to do what must be done: layoffs, roll backs of unconscionable pay raises and step increases to state employees and cut backs in services that we do not need... and cannot afford to pay for.

Well, Senator.... good luck with that. And with any luck at all, the next time you're up at the ballot, you'll find out first hand what "will of the people" means.

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