Sunday, January 03, 2010

Why are Measure 66 and 67 supporters lying?

Look, I get that the fringe leftists imposing a multi-hundred million dollar tax increase in the midst of this horrific recession are desperate.

But why do they have to lie to get this thing passed?

Jack up taxes or fees on corporations, and who's going to pay for that?

Anyone buying anything from any of those corporations who got jacked, that's who.

So when their cutesy, bogus TV ad pops up, and it says they just want Corporations and those "making over $250,000 per year" to "pay a little more," what they're doing is screwing US with THEIR tax increase.

At least they changed one of their earlier ads, when they lied directly by claiming that those making less than $250,000 "wouldn't have to pay another penny."

It's bad enough to cripple a sputtering economy with tax increases... but to lie about it?

That REALLY sucks.

1 comment:

  1. Something that always amuses me with liberals, is their cry of others needing to "pay their fair share."

    I'd like to know when the liberals will step up and "pay their fair share?"

    When will they be responsible for themselves instead of demanding someone else pay their way so their pittance is free to use as they want?

    When do they stop taking tax deductions and tax refunds?

    When do they create a large corporation and thousands of jobs?

    They just don't get it. Any expense you slap on business just gets passed along to the consumer. People start a business to make profit and when profits are good, they expand, creating more jobs.

    Take away the profits, they have no incentive to create a business and all those jobs.

    Is it "fair?" Show me anywhere in the constitution that outcome is guarunteed.


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