Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Seen the Health Care negotiations on CSPAN that Candidate Obama promised us?

Neither have I.

And that's the problem when you elect a liar as your leader.

The empty-suited, anti-American racist bigot we elected to the most powerful office on the planet is also a pathological liar.

Just today, for example, Obama's chief liar, Robert Gibbs, told the assembled press corps that "The CSPAN standard for health care transparency has been met."

Well, lemmee remind Bobby "Goebbels" Gibbs of what that lying punk he works for actually said:

These kinds of obvious lies and frauds by at the behest of a dull-normal moron, no more prepared or able as president to run the country than he is to perform brain surgery, are at the heart of how he's turned this Nation into a shambles.

Just one of many problems I have with this waste of skin is his minus credibility quotient.

We should not have to parse what our leader says. We should not have to process his words for lies and truths. Every word he utters should be the same as God's Own Truth.

When you figure out your leader is a liar, then you have no leader.

And when we're in our NEXT crisis (which will, under his incompetence, be here soon) we'll be thinking of his lies when he tells us what's happened; who's responsible; and what, if anything, he intends to do about it.

Led by scum. Will we survive it?

HT to Brietbart for the vid.

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