Thursday, January 28, 2010

The President continues to disappoint.

The "tinnest" ear in politics begins to resemble nothing so much as a can of Campbell's Soup.

Yesterday should have been an act of political contrition. Instead, it was an act of delusional arrogance.

Bogus budget "freezes," nonsensical heath care babble, continuing lies about the bogus "jobs created or saved" garbage... a complete lack of vision and down-the-rabbit-hole psychobabble.

He idiotically stood up there and told us, effectively, that the focus "in 2010" must be jobs.

A blind man could see in a minute that every waking moment not spent on defense SHOULD have been spent on REAL economic development, and not an unfathomable expansion of government and government jobs and government payroll.

It takes a clueless moron to FINALLY get around to "jobs" a year too late.

The continuing stupidity of trying terrorists in criminal court, the fantasy foreign policy (How's that "outstretched open hand" crap working for you?) ending DADT in the middle of a war....

The crippling political loses democrats have suffered and the blame Bush syndrome infesting democrat political leadership... all essentially without acknowledgment or impact.

Failing to include Republicans... closed door meetings... campaign promises over C-Span cameras that were campaign lies. Ham-handed unforced errors... basic incompetence and a lack of responsiveness frightening in dimension.

I have no confidence that the president can either recognize our problems not adequately respond to them. And I am always guided by the over-arching concept that as government expands, our liberties contract.

Someone, far wiser than I, once observed that government governs best when it governs least. And that's not what we're confronted with here... here, when we need it most.

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